AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL਍ഀ =========================਍ഀ ਍ഀ THE GAME਍ഀ --------਍ഀ Australian Rule Football the computer game recreates the action and adrenaline that exists in playing the real thing.਍ഀ The game is played in periods of four quarters, each one lasting approximately four computer minutes. Your aim is to score as many points as possible before the final whistle. The teams change ends aftre each quarter has been completed.਍ഀ The computer displays one third of the pitch at a time. The other areas will come into view when you move your player into them. You control one player of your team at a time - this player is highlighted with an arrow. You must run around the pitch collecting and passing the ball between members of your team in order to get the ball over the oppositions goal line. A goal (or sausage roll) is worth six points and is scored if the ball goes through the middle posts - a behind is scored if the ball goes between the side posts, this is worth one point.਍ഀ If the ball is put out of play then it is recentred. If the ball goes off the section of the pitch you are on, then an arrow will point which way it has gone.਍ഀ A 'Mark' or 'High Mark' is awarded when a ball that is thrown or kicked is caught and held by a member of your own team. Once the 'Mark' has been awarded, the player who took the mark stands still while your team advances up filed. The umpire will signal 'Play on' and the 'Marked' man will throw the ball up field. You can of course position your player ready to catch the ball.਍ഀ Teams may of course tackle each other to gain possession but you might end up loosing the ball or even lying flat on your back (aggressive stuff!).਍ഀ You can of course drop the ball as you are running around. If you do tumble it, a short sharp beep will announce the drop.਍ഀ Your player can be moved in any one of eight possible directions. The ball is picked up by running over it. The player in possession is indicated by a box around him.਍ഀ To kick or throw the ball you must press the kick button, this will release the ball in the direction your player is facing. Akick or throw is determined by the status of the power meter which is located at the base of the screen.਍ഀ Moving upwards and pressing the kick button when you not have the possession of the ball will change control to furthest member of your team up the pitch, and similary, moving downwards and pressing the kick button will change control to the furthest member of the team down the pitch.਍ഀ ਍ഀ The League Ladder਍ഀ -----------------਍ഀ Pressing 'B' at the main menu will show you your current place in the league and also tell you which team you are to play next. If you win your match, you will move up in the league and the next match will increase in difficulty. if you lose you will drop down the league.਍ഀ Pressing 'A' at the main menu will alter the amount of sound in the game according to your taste.਍ഀ ਍ഀ The Game Controls and Function Keys਍ഀ -----------------------------------਍ഀ Spectrum 48/128਍ഀ Joystik or QAOP - Move the controlled player in਍ഀ Kempston & Sinclair one of eight possible directions਍ഀ Fire or Space - This is the 'Kick' Control਍ഀ 5 - This will abort the current match਍ഀ H - Pauses the game਍ഀ Enter - Restarts the game਍ഀ ਍ഀ Loading Instructions਍ഀ --------------------਍ഀ Amstrad CPC 464 - press ctrl & small enter together਍ഀ 664/6128 - type :tape (enter) the ctrl & small enter press play on tape਍ഀ Spectrum 48/128 - select tape oader on a 128K machine or type LOAD "" (enter) on a 48K machine press play in tape.਍ഀ CBM 64/128 - press SHIFT and RUN/STOP together press play on tape.