Boilerhouse਍ഀ ===========਍ഀ ਍ഀ Feel the temperature rise as you battle to control the overheating boilers. Your challenge is to fight and defeat the machinery but the pressure can become intolerable!਍ഀ Boilerhouse is an all machine code game with keyboard or joystick options. lt requires quick thinking and fast action to avoid an explosive end!਍ഀ ਍ഀ LOADING਍ഀ -------਍ഀ To load 'BOILERHOUSE' press the 'LOAD J' key. Then holding down 'SYMBOL SHIFT' press 'P' twice. You may now press 'PLAY' on your 'TAPE DRIVE' and 'BOILERHOUSE' will load. Please ensure that the volume is correctly set on your 'TAPE DRIVE' before commencing load sequence.਍ഀ Boilerhouse is compatible with Sintldir Interface 2 and the Kempston Joystick Interface. Once the game has loaded a menu will allow you to select keyboard or joystick options.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Keyboard control਍ഀ ----------------਍ഀ 1, Q, Caps Shift - Left਍ഀ 2, W, Z - Right਍ഀ 5, T, V - Push ladder. Must be used simultaneously with left or right key.਍ഀ 5, T, V - Boiler pressure released. Ensure that character is correctly positioned and press ONLY this key.਍ഀ 4, R, C - Up਍ഀ 3, E, X - Down਍ഀ H - Music off਍ഀ O - Music on਍ഀ P - Pause game਍ഀ R - Restart game਍ഀ S - Return to the menu਍ഀ ਍ഀ Joystick control਍ഀ ----------------਍ഀ Use your joystick to move left, right, up and down. Depressing fire button simultaneously with left or right joystick position will move the ladder. To release pressure, position the character in front of the boiler valve and press ONLY the fire button. Keys H, O, P, R and S have the same functions as for Keyboard Control਍ഀ ਍ഀ GAMEPLAY਍ഀ --------਍ഀ Thee object of Boilerhouse is to release the ever increasing pressure in the boilers, reducing lt until the central pressure gauge (at the top of your screen) is registering below the safe 'arrow' mark and the red square on the rlght of your screen flashes green. Only when this has been achieved may you proceed to the next screen. Failure to reduce pressure below the 'arrow' within 60 seconds will increase the speed with which the pressure rises.਍ഀ The third and final screen is the ultimate challenge - but take care, there is no time to waste, and no second chances, and only one definite end when the pressure becomes critical ...਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Boilerhouse਍ഀ is produced by Andromeda Software in association with Front Runner.਍ഀ K-soft distribution਍ഀ 620 Western Avenue, London W3 OTU.਍ഀ (c)1984 Kilo Music Ltd.਍ഀ Copyright subsists in all Kilo software products including all packaging, artwork, and in the software itself. Any unauthorised use of Kilo products, induding without limitation, any performance, broadcast, sale, renting, leasing or reproduction thereof is strictly forbidden.਍ഀ Illustration Steve Newport.਍ഀ ਍ഀ