Breakout [ OK, no need to read, everybody knows how this game goes, right? Wrong - if this weren't an unusual variation on the standard I wouldn't have typed up this text. It may also be interesting to know that, despite using IN to read the keyboard, this game works on all issues of 16K and 48K Spectrum, and even on the 128. That Mr. Altwasser definitely understood how the innards of the machine worked - who'd have thought... ] This program is based upon a famous arcade game. A succes- sion of coloured walls start to descend from the top of the screen. A yellow ball bounces around the screen and you have to control the movement of the paddle along the bottom of the court so that the ball hits the paddle and rebounds onto the wall again. Every time the ball hits a wall, it removes a brick and you score a point. Every time the ball misses the paddle and hits the bottom of the court, the coloured walls all move down one place. The only controls are keys 5 and 8 which move the paddle left and right respectively. [In fact, because of the use of IN rather than INKEY$, the cursor keys on the Spectrum+ and later models also work.] You will soon learn the derivation of the name of the game. If you manage to break through one of the walls, the ball will bounce around between that wall and the next one, scoring many points with no danger of hitting the bottom.