DEATH CHESS 5000਍ഀ ================਍ഀ ਍ഀ You will find the procedure for loading a program in the Spectrum basic manual, chapter 20. The procedure for loading Death Chess 5000 is given below:਍ഀ ਍ഀ 1. Connect the ear socket of the Spectrum to the ear socket on your cassette recorder.਍ഀ 2. Make sure the tape is wound to the beginning.਍ഀ 3. Set the volume control to a suitable level.਍ഀ 4. Set maximum trebble, minimum bass on the tone controls.਍ഀ 5. Type LOAD ""਍ഀ 6. Press ENTER.਍ഀ 7. Start the cassette recorder.਍ഀ 8. The program will RUN itself once loaded and will provide instructions.਍ഀ ਍ഀ If the program does not load correctly try a different volume level.਍ഀ ਍ഀ (c)Copyright 1984 Artic Computing Ltd.਍ഀ ਍ഀ All rights of the producer, and of the owner, of the work being produced, are reserved.਍ഀ Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this cassette is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, nor liability for damage arising from its use.਍ഀ ਍ഀ WARNING: These programs are sold according to Artic Computing Ltd's terms of trade and conditions of sale. Copies of which are available at request.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ GAME CONTROLS:਍ഀ Q-T up, A-G down, O left, P right, bottom row is fire. Press symbol shift to return to chess board after battle. Sinclair Joystick (Interface II).਍ഀ ਍ഀ NB No move is recommended for you during this option.਍ഀ ਍ഀ For both options:਍ഀ Before you start to play chess you will be asked a few questions.਍ഀ The first question you will be asked is "PLAY ANALYSE OR LOAD" L N/L will load a previously saved game.If you answer 'A' you will be able to set up the borad for analysis. However we shall now look at the normal situation a reply of 'P'. You will then be asked your choice of colour. Answer 'W' or 'B'. Finally you may select the level of play. The levels range from 0 to 6:਍ഀ ਍ഀ Level 0 replies in 2 seconds and is the easiest level.਍ഀ Level 1 replies in 15 seconds and play reasonably.਍ഀ Level 2 replies in 40 seconds and is suitable for casual players.਍ഀ Level 3 replies in 3 minutes and plays an above average game.਍ഀ Level 4 replies in 5 minutes.਍ഀ Level 5 and 6 are most suitable for correspondence chess but play a very strong game.਍ഀ ਍ഀ These timings are approximate and vary depending on the game situation. You are now ready to play chess. The pieces are represented on the board by graphic shapes. Each square is represented by a co-ordinate, A-H from left to right and 1-8 from bottom to top.਍ഀ To move a piece, enter the co-ordinate of the square it occupies, a space, the the co-ordinate of the square you wish to move to, and finally ENTER, e.g. E2 - E4 ENTER. Providing this is a valid move, Spectrum Chess will then move. If you make an invalid move, the INVALID is displayed and you must reenter a valid move.਍ഀ IF YOU WISH DEATH CHESS 5000 TO RECOMMEND A MOVE TYPE 'M'.਍ഀ Except in Option 2 Death Chess will recommend a move on all levels except 0, and at the beginning of the game Death Chess will not be able to recommend a move. In both cases typing 'M' will be ignored. If you make a mistake while typing your move, then you may use the DELETE KEY to correct it.਍ഀ If you wish to castle, you should just type the KINGS move and Death Chess will know you wish to castle. When Death Chess castles, it displays 0-0 or 0-0-0. You may also capture using En passant privilege and if Death Chess uses its privilege it displays PXPEP.਍ഀ T will save the game at that position to tape, to be returned to at a later date.਍ഀ Z prints a copy of the board to the ZX printer.਍ഀ O prints all moves so far either onto the screen or printer depending if the printer is present i.e. with no printer the moves are printed on the screen. If printed on the screen, the first 20 moves are show; press any key to show the following moves. Press N/L at the end of list to return to game.਍ഀ IF YOU WISH TO RESIGN DURING THE GAME TYPE 'S' (stop).਍ഀ ਍ഀ Position Analysis਍ഀ -----------------਍ഀ Suppose you answer 'A' to the first question, then the board will be displayed with all pieces in the position they were in. You may now alter any square on the board as follows:਍ഀ xxooo: Clears square xx where xx is the squares coordinate, e.g. E2 xx cpm; Puts piece 'p' of colour 'c' on square xx where c, p and m are as follows:਍ഀ c - colour 'W' or 'B'਍ഀ p - piece, ' P' - pawn, 'R' - rook, 'N' - knight, 'B' - bishop, 'Q' - queen, 'K' - king਍ഀ m - move flag. 'Y' if piece has moved, 'N' if piece has not. This is important for pawns, kings and rooks.਍ഀ 'X...' will clear the board. This is ideal for end game analysis. When you have finished setting up the board, you exit by typing 'Q...' (Quit). You will then be asked your colour an level of play as at the start of setup. Another way of entering the position analysis routine is to type 'S' during a game. You will the be asked:਍ഀ ਍ഀ "PLAY ANALYSE OR LOAD?" Reply 'A'਍ഀ ਍ഀ By this means you may alter the level of play or even swap colours during the game! The game is usually finished by Checkmate.਍ഀ Death Chess will then wait for any key to be pressed before restarting the program.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ You thought Chess was a civilized, relaxing game but 'what´s this?' I hear your cry. 'Death Chess 5000' is nothing of the sort. You may think that this appears to be like any other chess, but wait, 'what´s going on?' your trying to take a piece and look, the screens changed. You´re on a battlefield, bombs are being dropped from a helicopter 'slow down or you´ll get hit' ... 'quick into the city where you´ll be safe'. All that just to take a pawn. It´s more difficult to take pieces now, your queen has been lost in a space battle and you only just managed to climb a castle under the falling barrels of a rook.਍ഀ You can see now why this is no ordinary Chess game!਍ഀ Once the games has loaded, you are asked if the Kempston Joystick is present, answer yes or no.਍ഀ You are then given two options, Ordinary Chess or Death Chess 5000. Select 1 - Ordinary Chess or 2 - Death Chess.਍ഀ Selection Option 2 will add the arcade element to the game, you find yourself involved in the following battles:਍ഀ ਍ഀ 1. Pawn takes pawn (left & right only) - drive your tank forward to reach the city without you or the city blown up by the bombing helicopter.਍ഀ ਍ഀ 2. Bishop takes bishop (left, right, up & down) - escape from the vaults of the enemy headquarters, the exit is somewhere above you - watch out for the ghosts.਍ഀ ਍ഀ 3. Knight takes knight (up, down & fire) - hit the enemy horseman before they reach you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ 4. Rook takes rook ((up, down, left & right) - reach the tower to by scaling its walls, watch out for the barrels of oil.਍ഀ ਍ഀ 5. Queen takes queen (up, down, left, right & fire) - navigate the star trench and hit enemy flagship enough times to destroy it.਍ഀ ਍ഀ 6. Piece takes different piece (right, left & fire) - shoot through the galactic barrier, to hit your opposing force.