EXPLORER਍ഀ ========਍ഀ +------------+਍ഀ |INSTRUCTIONS|਍ഀ +------------+਍ഀ ਍ഀ -------਍ഀ CREDITS਍ഀ -------਍ഀ Code by The Ram Jam Corporation Produced by The Software Studios਍ഀ ਍ഀ Thirty billion light years from the nearest service station and the inertial stabilizers cut out. You make a somewhat cryptic comment about used spaceship dealers. The warranty falls to the floor in the first shudder of turbulence as you hit the upper atmosphere of the emerald planet you are doomed to die on.਍ഀ OK, you weren't as lucky as you'd hoped — you didn't die, but now you have a problem. The last planet scan before curruption revealed that the planet consisted of forty billion mappable locations. In nine of them are fragments of your craft.਍ഀ ਍ഀ --------------------਍ഀ LOADING INSTRUCTIONS਍ഀ --------------------਍ഀ COMMODORE 64 CASSETTE:-਍ഀ Press `SHIFT' and 'RUN/STOP' keys simultaneously and press 'PLAY' on your cassette recorder.਍ഀ ਍ഀ COMMODORE 64 DISC:-਍ഀ Type LOAD "*",8,1 and then press `RETURN'.਍ഀ ਍ഀ SPECTRUM 48K CASSETTE:-਍ഀ Type LOAD "" and then press `ENTER'.਍ഀ ਍ഀ AMSTRAD/SCHNEIDER CASSETTE:-਍ഀ CASSETTE BASED COMPUTER (ie CPC-464)਍ഀ Press `CTRL' and the small 'ENTER' keys simultaneously.਍ഀ ਍ഀ DISC BASED COMPUTER WITH ADDITIONAL CASSETTE PLAYER(ie CPC-6128)਍ഀ Type TAPE and press 'RETURN' then press 'CTRL' and the small 'ENTER' keys simultaneously.਍ഀ ਍ഀ AMSTRAD/SCHNEIDER DISC:-਍ഀ CASSETTE BASED COMPUTER WITH ADDITIONAL DISC DRIVE (ie CPC-464)਍ഀ Type: DISC and press 'RETURN' then type RUN" DISC and press 'RETURN'.਍ഀ ਍ഀ DISC BASED COMPUTER (ie CPC-6128)਍ഀ Type RUN"DISC and press'RETURN'.਍ഀ ਍ഀ All programs will RUN automatically after LOADING is complete.਍ഀ ਍ഀ In case of LOADING difficulties please refer to the chapter on LOADING and SAVING programs in your computer's User Manual.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ---------਍ഀ EXPLORING਍ഀ ---------਍ഀ To find them, and give yourself a chance of returning to civilisation, you kit yourself out with a jet pack, nine radio beacons, nine anti-grav drones for sending bits of space craft to beacons, object sonar, radio direction finder, a compass, a laser pulse gun, and some heavy jungle boots.਍ഀ To start with, the most sensible thing you can do is take a sounding for the nearest object. This will give you a bearing, and also an idea of the distance, dependant on echo delay. lf the object is further than a civilised walk it will say 'out of range'. Match the bearing with your compass bearing and head off into the jungle.਍ഀ You will soon become aware of strange swirling patches of colour in the jungle. lf you get close to one of these it will invite you to enter. Once inside you will be asked for a destination. Name the place of your dreams and it will take you there. Any name will do, there are so many places on the planet. Used cleverly this can be quite a trick.਍ഀ Another navigational aid, the radio beacons, can be popped down anywhere. Your radio sounder will give you bearing and range on beacons, so you can get down to a bit of constructive triangulation.਍ഀ There are one or two robotic bugs wandering around. Kill them. They're bad for your health.਍ഀ Watch your energy. If it gets too low, things start to go wrong. Something tells you there's a way of restoring it. But not this piece of paper.਍ഀ ਍ഀ --------਍ഀ CONTROLS਍ഀ --------਍ഀ Any joystick will steer you through or over the jungle. On the ground pushing the joystick forward will move you in the direction of your compass bearing. Use the fire button or any key to stop. Pushing the joystick left or right will alter your bearing, while pulling it back puts you into a 180 degree turn.਍ഀ In weapons mode push the fire button to activate your laser pulse gun.਍ഀ U takes you up about a thousand feet; press it again and you get another thousand. D takes you down again. Watch landing on the trees: they're pointed. Above the planet the joystick will move you north, south, east and west, regardless of your compass bearing.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Key Controls਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ On the ground਍ഀ Spectrum Amstrad਍ഀ 6 turn to the left 5਍ഀ 7 turn to the right 8਍ഀ 8 180 degree turn 6਍ഀ 9 move in the 7਍ഀ direction of your ਍ഀ compass bearing ਍ഀ ਍ഀ In the air਍ഀ 6 west 7਍ഀ 7 east 6਍ഀ 8 south 5਍ഀ 9 north 8਍ഀ ਍ഀ Pressing break/space brings up a menu on your headup display. Once the menu is up pressing the first letter of any word in the menu will access it. The same is true of the subsequent menus.਍ഀ Above the planet the joystick will move you north, south...਍ഀ