MORRIS MEETS THE BIKERS by S. Curtis (c) Automata UK Ltd 1983 For 16K or 48K Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Kempston joystick compatible. Free tear-jerking nostalgic single on the flipside of this cassette "Leader of the Pac" by Lady Clair Sinclive and the Pimen. LOAD "" The story so far ... It was a wet Tuesday afternoon, that notorious little cult the Piman was awoken by Swettibittz, a used-car salesman from the distant constellation of Morris Minor. Seconds later, the Piman found himself one pogo-stick, a saxophone and three cans of worms the poorer, but the proud owner of "Morris", the intelligent little car with the big problem: Morris was suffering from claustrophobia and kept being carsick! We now find Morris abandoned in a multi-storey car park, desperate to get out. As usual in these crummy cassette sleeve scenarios, there are sinister forces determined to thwart our tinpot hero: The Phantom, Phreaky, Phearsome Kamikaze Bikers from Morris Minor have come after him, and poor little Morris only has his magic horn to ward them off. Help him lurch into the loony lift-cage, hop on a hesitant hydraulic humper, collect a cache of cagey coins, gratefully guzzle gasoline ... but be careful, the treacherous tin-tacks will slow him down, and penurious parking fees will pinch his coins, the wicked wheel clamps will trap his tyres, the creepy carbon monoxide will clobber his cranium, the fastidious fuel-gauge will massacre his motor, and those bellicose bikers, those evil, wicked, suicidal, phantom bikers, who don't give a tinker's cuss for hand signals or double yellow lines ... they will make Morris feel somewhat unwell!! Help Morris collect ten golden coins to pay his way out of peril and pass through the flashing ground floor exit, and into the next concrete coop. Can you take him through all nine screens to freedom? Morris Meets The Bikers ... The Leader of the Pac. Score 100 points for each thwarted biker. Lose a life for each illegal exit.