PI-Balled from Automata U.K. Ltd. THE STORY SO FAR ... there you are, wandering the desert, contemplating wobbly spherical objects, and minding your own business at the mystical PYRAMID OF PI, when you stumble across BURT, being badly bothered by both belligerent Ball Brothers, Bobby and Billy. Naturally, your first thought is to help poor BURT, but you didn't reckon with SID SNAKE and the Pixel Princes COL and JAS. Neither did you reckon with becoming addicted to this amazing arcade style game. Neither did you reckon with possibly the worst Reggae music ever committed, on the flipside of this cassette. You habe been warned! Beware of Balls. yours ever, THE PIMAN LOAD "" select 2 for Kempston Joystick 1 for Keyboard Control as follows: "P" up and right "Q" up and left "L" down and right "A" down and left "H" hold "S" start game ANY KEY to restart or replay PI-BALLED. Help BURT to change THE PYRAMID OF PI to the mystic colour displayed at the top-right of your screen, by jumping from square to square (without falling over the sides!), while avoiding the PIMAN and his Pals. The PIMAN will climb up the pyramid, often lying in wait for you. SID the SNAKE will pursue you in a deliberately nasssty manner. The least said about the BALL BROTHERS the better: avoid them! COL may hinder you, resetting everything he rubs up against to its original colour, wheras JAS may help you with his colour changes. As the games gets harder you must help BURT jump onto the same square several times to change it to the desired mystical colour. BURT is allowed to hop aboard a magic flying disc, once per pyramid, avoiding the PIMAN and his accomplices, and luring SID the SNAKE off the edge. The magic discs will carry BURT towards the summit of the PYRAMID OF PI, but don't linger too long, or you will outstay your welcome. Press any key, or move your joystick when it is safe to jump off. SCORING: 1 point per jump 200 points for leading Sid the Snake astray 100 points for completing each PYRAMID OF PI