STARCLASH by Derek Brewster਍ഀ ਍ഀ TO LOAD: Press J key then, holding down the red symbol shift, press the P਍ഀ key twice. Screen should show LOAD"". Hit ENTER key then press PLAY on਍ഀ cassette machine. After loading, choose joystick or keyboard control by ਍ഀ pressing the appropriate key.਍ഀ ਍ഀ N.B. if you want to use the Kempston joystick it must be fitted before ਍ഀ switching the computer on and loading the tape.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Keyboard controls are: Z = left; X = right; BREAK/SPACE - fire.਍ഀ Press S to start or restart the game, and H to hold the action.਍ഀ -------------------------------------------------------------------------਍ഀ You are test-flying a new Starfighter in a deserted sector of space...਍ഀ suddenly an Imperial Strike Force jumps from hyperspace in attack ਍ഀ formation! Your Escorts are regrouping to denfend the home base and you ਍ഀ cannot out-run the enemy must fight it out alone and do as ਍ഀ much damage as you can before your own destruction...਍ഀ ਍ഀ The enemy Mothership is protected by four different waves of defence ਍ഀ fighters - and each wave destroyed leads to the next. If, incredibly, ਍ഀ you fight your way through, you then face the mighty Mothership. You ਍ഀ must place a laserbolt in whichever of her two power-cores is active. ਍ഀ She will explode and your laserbolt generators will be recharged by the ਍ഀ radiation.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Your display shows at top laserbolt energy and which wave you are ਍ഀ attacking, and at bottom right shields remaining...don't waste them!਍ഀ Watch too for the fiery meteors, and the very best of luck...!਍ഀ ਍ഀ This program is protected by copyright. Unauthorised copying, lending or਍ഀ hiring is prohibited.਍ഀ Micromega, 230-236 Lavender Hill, London SW11 1LE.