ZX Spectrum
Machine Code
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07 084718 5
ZX Spectrum Machine Code Assembler
The ZX Machine Code Assembler is a sophisticated utility program, designed to translate standard Zilog assembler mnemonics - assembly language - into machine code.
There are two versions of the program, one on each side of the cassette tape. One is for the 16K Spectrum, the other is for the 48K machine. Rewind the tape, if necessary, to get to the start of the correct version for your Spectrum.
Load the tape in the usual way, with
LOAD "mgh 48K"
LOAD "mgh 16K"
as appropriate.
Alternatively, LOAD "" will load either version.
Once the program has loaded, the title page will appear. Pressing any key will seem to execute a 'NEW', but the Assembler will be safely stored in the computer's high memory.
Features of the Assembler
The ZX Spectrum Machine Code Assembler has many features designed to provide the programmer with the greatest possible each of use. The major features of the Assembler are:
1. The Source Code (i.e., the Assembler mnemonics) is written into REM statements, held in the computer in the form of an ordinary BASIC listing.
This means that the assembly-language program is typed into the computer using the Spectrum's own text editing system, with which the Spectrum programmer will be completely familiar. It means, of course, that it is easy to change the program, add to it, or subtract from it. It also means that the unassembled source code can be saved to tape, or listed on the screen or printer in the usual way.
2. The Assembler can be directed to store the assembled code anywhere in memory.
The Assembler can also be directed to compile the code to run in a location other than the one in which it is stored (useful if you are writing long programs and want to store the code temporarily). Although it is often convenient to store machine code in a 'dummy REM' statement (see below) in the Spectrum, the decision is left up to the programmer.
3. An advantage of the way in which the ZX Spectrum Machine Code Assembler has been designed is that it normally permits you to run machine-code programs with the Assembler still in the computer's memory - an invaluable feature when developing programs.
4. The Assembler recognizes a range of pseudo-instructions. These are either directives to the Assembler, or 'convenience' instructions to make programming easier.
5. Real labels are permitted, and they can be of any length. This is a useful aid in finding your way round complicated assembly-language programs.
6. Comments can be included in the listings, and will appear in the assembled listing on the screen or printer.
7. The ZX Spectrum Machine Code Assembler is equipped with efficient error detection. If you have made a mistake in your program, the Assembler will stop, during assembly, with an indication of the position of the error and the type of error.
Assembly-language Programming
Users of the ZX Spectrum Machine Code Assembler are expected to be familiar with Z80 assembly-language programming. If you are not, or if you want to improve your knowledge of assembly-language programming with special reference to the Sinclair Spectrum, a book, Learn and Use Assembly Language on the ZX Spectrum by Tony Woods, has been written specially to suit this Assembler program. The book is published by McGraw-Hill (ISBN 07 084705 3, September 1983) and is available in good bookshops and many computer stores.
Using the ZX Spectrum Machine Code Assembler
First, you must decide where you want to store the assembled machine-code program. Unless you have reasons for using other memory locations, the best place is probably in a REM statement at the beginning of a BASIC program. The first line of the BASIC program in which you are writing the assembly language should be a 'dummy' REM statement, consisting of the line number (1), REM, and as many characters (any character) as there are bytes in the assembled program. Leave plenty of space, as you can always delete it later. A short program might require, for example, twenty bytes. The dummy REM statement would look like this:
1 REM 00000000000000000000
Figure 1.
In the Spectrum, the address of the first character after the REM in a REM statement in line 1 of a program is always 23760, unless microdrives are in use. If you direct the Assembler to assemble the code starting from this address, the Assembler will over-write the dummy characters with the code. The line can then be saved on tape, or incorporated into a BASIC program later.
Every program written for this Assembler (whether or not there is a dummy REM statement as the first line of the program) must being with two pseudo-instructions, to tell the program to start assembly, and to tell it where to put the code. These are go and org.
The first line (or second line, if there is a dummy REM) must be go, and it must be a line on it's own.
The second line must being with org, although it can contain other statements; the ZX Spectrum Machine Code Assembler accepts multiple statements in a line, if they are separated by semicolons.
The last line of the assembly-language program must be finish. Again, this must be on a line on it's own.
To run the Assembler, enter as a direct command
for the 48K version,
for the 16K version.
It is convenient to incorporate this into the listing, as the last line after the finish. Then you can simply type RUN to start assembly, the BASIC interpreter stepping over all the REM statements and executing the RANDOMIZE USR at the end.
The structure of a typical assembly-language program is therefore like this:
1 REM 00000000000000000000
10 REM go
20 REM org 23760
(assembly language program)
100 REM finish
Figure 2.
Features of the assembly language.
The ZX Spectrum Machine Code Assembler assemblers all standard Zilog mnemonics, but also has the following features:
1. Numbers can be entered in hexadecimal or in decimal. Numbers are assumed to be decimal unless preceded by $. The alphabetic component of the hexadecimal number can be in upper or lower case letters, or even a mixture of the two. The following are all acceptable:
2. Comments can be included anywhere in the listing, except in the lines containing go and finish. A comment is preceded by an exclamation make !. The first 32 characters (only) of a comment will appear in the assembled listings.
3. Relative jumps must be given a sign to indicate the direction of the jump. The following are acceptable:
jr -3
jr z,+9
jr nc,+$1F
4. Labels can be used to refer to memory locations, the addresses of which will not be known until assembly is complete. Labels can be any length with the following restrictions: the first character must be a capital letter, and the characters ')' and '+' must not be used. For example, Here, any-where, and Z3/@$ are valid labels but this label, Place(2) and Logical+1 are not. The labels are simply written into the program like any other instruction.
There are several ways in which labels can be used. For example, the label Mgh can be referred to in the following ways:
ld a,(Mgh)
ld hl,Mgh
call Mgh
jp nz,Mgh
ld de,Mgh
jr c,Mgh
Self-modifying code
Labels can be used to write self-modifying code. For example, you might have the following piece of code:
Johnny;ld hl,(23700)
You might want your program to alter the address from which hl is loaded (in other words you might want the change the two bytes in memory one byte after "Johnny"). This can be done with the following code:
ld hl,30000;ld (Johnny+1),hl
When this part of the machine-code program is executed, it rewrites the program to give:
Johnny;ld hl,(30000)
Note that only +1 and +2 are allowed in this type of label reference.
A final word on labels. The Assembler stores the names and addresses of labels in a table. The space allocated for this table is limited. When it is used up, no more labels will be recognized and reference to further labels will given an error. The number of labels that you can use clearly depends on their length. You can have about 100 5-character labels but fewer longer ones, so be frugal and concise!
5. The ZX Spectrum Machine Code Assembler will assemble mnemonics written in lower case. If you are in any doubt about the correct forms, they are listed in Appendix A, pages 183-188, or the Sinclair Spectrum Manual.
The ZX Spectrum Machine Code Assembler recognizes instructions that, although not standard Z80 assembly language, are used to make life easier for the programmer. These are listed here:
go This is the instruction to the Assembler to begin assembly. It will ignore anything before the go. See above.
finish This instruction tells the Assembler to end assembly. See above.
org This instruction tells the Assembler where to start assembling code. For example, org 23760 will initiate assembly at the first free byte in your REM statement at the top of your program. For obvious reasons the first instructions in your program must be an org. You can use org as often as you like to make the Assembler skip to a new assembly address.
Sometimes you might want to write a program that is designed to operate in the region of memory around address 60000 (or around address 30000 in the 16K Spectrum). This could present a problem because this is where the Assembler itself lives. Assembling code here would overwrite the Assembler and probably cause a crash.
You can get around this problem by using a special form of org. If you were to write org 23760 60000 this would result in the code being assembled at 23760 but written so that it would operate correctly when relocated to 60000. All you need to do now is to use the Spectrum SAVE "" CODE 23760,x and LOAD "" CODE 60000,x facility to relocate the code (or better still use ldir). Once again, remember that the spaces are important.
defb This allows a byte at the current assembly address to be set to a defined value. This can be useful when forcing an error message with rst 8. For example rst 8;defb 1 will give the error message "2 Variable not found". defb can be used to put a series of numbers into a program. As many numbers as are required can be put after defb, provided they are all in the range 0-255 and are all separated by spaces, for example:
defb 23 45 127 254 23 49 0
defw Basically the same as defb, but sets two bytes only. defw is followed by a number between 0 and 65535 or a label, which it stores in two bytes in the standard format for the Z80, that is, least significant byte first. Thus defw 65200 will be assembled into two bytes beginning at the currently assembly position as 176, 254.
defs This allows a string of ASCII characters to be inserted in memory at the current assembly position. For example, the name of a computer could be stored with defs Sinclair Spectrum. This facility is invaluable for storing text within a program.
equ Sometimes, particularly with the 16K Spectrum, you might want to write a machine-code program in several sections and then join them together later. This is fine if you do not try to refer to labels outside the section of code that you are currently writing. If you do, then the label will not be found and an error will occur. You can get round this problem by using equ which tells the Assembler the address of a label. For example equ 23780 Fred will allow the label Fred to be used even though the address of Fred is not within the section of code being assembled.
Error messages
If go, finish, or org are faulty, then an error will be given before assembly starts. It should be reasonably easy to detect any problems at this stage!
If an error is detected during assembly, then assembly will stop with two error messages. The first is given by the Assembler, and is a flashing message that tells you the line number, statement number, and type of instruction where the error is detected.
The second error message is generated via the Spectrum interpreter, and will be one of four error messages:
B Integer out of range. This is the result of entering a number that is too large, for example more than 255 for a single byte number, or more than 99999 for a decimal number. The decimal numbers between 65536 and 99999, the Assembler will repeatedly subtract 65536 until it gets a sensible number it can use.
6 Number too big. This indicates that the displacement of a relative jump is out of range.
2 Variable not found. This error message occurs if you refer to a non-existent label, or if the variable table is full.
Q Parameter error. This indicates an error in syntax - spelling, missed spaces, etc.
The assembled listing
The Assembler will make two passes through the source code to assemble it, the second pass being preceded by a message to indicate that the printer is enabled. The listing will be put on the screen one page at a time, and will pause at the end of each page for authority to carry on.
The assembled listing can be listed on the ZX printer, on other printer systems that recognize the COPY command, and on printers using suitable software to replace the function of the COPY command (see below). Copying the listing on a printer is given as an option during listing the assembled code.
Modifications to the Assembler program
To switch off the pause after each page of listing, so that assembly continues until the end of the program,
POKE 62679,24:POKE 62680,30
for the 48K machine,
POKE 30679,24:POKE 30680,30
for the 16K machine.
Another type of customizing would involve sending the output to a printer other than the Sinclair printer. To do this, the Spectrum should contain somewhere in memory a machine-code routine equivalent to COPY. In the case of the Kempston/Hilderbay centronics interface, this routine would start at 65200 (48K) or 32423 (16K). This address should be put into the Assembler at two places. These are at 62707/8 and 32720/1 (48K) or 30707/8 and 31720/1 (16K). This is probably best done using the Assembler itself, e.g.:
10 REM go
20 REM org 62707
30 REM defw 65200
40 REM org 63720
50 REM defw 65200
60 REM finish
Figure 3
The above is for 48K version. For the 16K version, use the following:
10 REM go
20 REM org 30707
30 REM defw 65200
40 REM org 31720
50 REM defw 65200
60 REM finish
Figure 4
Sample Programs
Finally, here are two sample routines you might like to try assembling as a demonstration of the way the ZX Spectrum Machine Code Assembler works:
1 REM 00000000000000
10 REM go
20 REM org 23760
30 REM ld hl,0
40 REM add hl,sp
50 REM ld de,($5C65)
60 REM and a
70 REM sbc hl,de
80 REM push hl
90 REM pop bc
100 REM ret
110 REM finish
Figure 5
The above is a program to show how much memory remains free after a program has been entered. Use it with PRINT USR 23760.
The next program is a high-resolution scroll. Each time it is called, it scrolls the screen up by one high-resolution pixel. You call it with RANDOMIZE USR 23760. This is a longer program, and, to save space in the listing, multiple statement lines have been used.
There is a demonstration program in BASIC from line 996 of this listing, to show you how the high-resolution scroll works. Use RUN 1000 to start the demonstration (after assembly, of course).
1 REM 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
5 REM go
10 REM org 23760
20 REM ld hl,$4000;ld b,3;Loop6;push bc
30 REM ld b,8;Loop5;push bc;ld b,7;Loop0;push bc
40 REM ld b,$20;Loop2;push hl;ld de,$100;add hl,de;pop de
50 REM ld a,(hl);Loop1;ld (de),a;ex de,hl;inc hl
60 REM djnz Loop2;ld de,$E0;add hl,de;pop bc;djnz Loop0
70 REM pop bc;ld a,b;cp 1;jr z,Jump1;push bc;ld b,$20
80 REM Loop3;ld de,$6E0;push hl;and a;sbc hl,de;pop de;ld a,(hl)
90 REM ld (de),a;ex de,hl;inc hl
100 REM djnz Loop3;ld de,$700;and a;sub hl,de;pop bc;dhnz Loop5
110 REM Jump1;pop bc;ld a,b;cp 1;jr z,Jump2;push bc;ld b,$20
120 REM Loop7;ld de,$20;push hl;add hl,de;pop de;ld a,(hl)
130 REM ld (de),a;ex de,hl;inc hl;djnz Loop7;pop bc;djnz Loop6;Jump2;ld b,$20
140 REM Loop4;ld (hl),0;inc hl;djnz Loop4;ret
150 REM finish
996 STOP
997 REM
998 REM *********************
1000 PRINT AT 0,0; PAPER 0;" ";AT 21,0;"McGraw-Hill Book Co (UK) Limited"
1010 FOR i=1 TO 170
1020 RANDOMIZE USR 23760
1030 NEXT i
1040 GOTO 1000
Figure 6
Both the above listings are for the 48K Assembler. Lines 120 and 160 respectively will need to be changed if you are using the 16K version.
After assembly, you might want to save the machine code and nothing else. To do this, just delete all lines except line 1, and SAVE in the usual way. The resulting subroutine can be merged with a BASIC program, or the new BASIC program typed in.
The two routines listed above are by kind permission of Bobby Rao, and were first published in Your Computer magazine.
If you have problems...
Just fill in the enclosed card, stamp and post it. We provide a quick (and free) advice/exchange service. If you brought the tape from a shop, please don't take it back; use the card, but keep your receipt. DON'T send the tape back at this stage.
Important: We cannot offer advice about modifying the programs on this tape or about application outside the range considered normal for this type of software. Software support does NOT include advice with respect to your own programs, either in BASIC or in Assembly language.